Father Augustine Tolton Knights of Columbus Council 16126

Culture of Life Activities

Life, in every form, is the greatest give we have been given by God. The Knights of Columbus defend the dignity of each human being at every stage of life. We do this with activities that aid the pregnant, the elderly and those with disabilities and that bring attention to the injustices of abortion, embryonic stem cell research, euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Some of these activities may include but are not limited to the following:

Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose Program

The program began in 1960 to honor the Blessed Virgin under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas. The program has continued since then as a project in several Knights of Columbus jurisdictions. Each year, a Silver Rose "honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe and reafirming our commitment to the sanctity of human life" is carried by Knights from Canada, through the United States, and into Mexico to arrive at the Basillica in Monterey, Mexico on December 12, Feast of our Lady of Guadalupe. This year the Father Tolton Council hosted the Silver Rose along with the prayer service.

Prayer Vigil Outside of Planned Parenthood

The Springfield Right to Life Office encourages and facilitates ongoing prayer vigils outside Planned Parenthood. Council members volunteer to stand outside the facility as a peaceful public witness for the cause of life and primarily through prayer. Prayer witnesses never approach patrons or staff but if approached may offer caring advice encouraging them make a choice for life. During Lent, Springfield Right to Life participates in the annual nationwide 40 Days for Life campaign with the goal being to provide a continual presence throughout Lent.

Recommitment to Life Rally at Illinois State Capitol

Springfield Right to Life sponsors the Annual Recommitment to Life rally, which commemorates the anniversary of the tragic January 22, 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Knights of Columbus members attend the rally, held at the Illinois State Capitol Rotunda, which features a keynote speaker, provides pro-life resources, and is free to all.

Christ Child Baby Shower

Each December, the Cathedral Council of Catholic Women sponsors an annual Christ Child Shower, in which it collects donations for the Mine O'Beirne Crisis Nursery and Pregnancy Care Center of Springfield. Council 16216 Knights volunteer to assistance in this effort which provides support to those who heroically choose the option of life despite often difficult circumstances.

Springfield Right to Life Benefit Dinner

Springfield Right to Life holds an annual benefit dinner to raise funds for its operations. The benefit typically features a prominent keynote speakers such as Dr. Alveda King in 2010 and Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life in 2016. Attendance is via RSVP and the Counsel seeks to be a presence by hosting its own table of attendees.

Illinois State Fair Right to Life Booth.

Father Tolton Council Members help man the display booth in the Exposition Building that the Springfield Right to Life has during the Illinois State Fair every year. The booth offers and sells materials promoting the culture of life and provides opportunities for signing petitions to promote particular pro-life legislation as necessary. Volunteers occupy the tables for three hour shifts throughout the fair to help distribute materials and be helpful witnesses to passers-by who may be seeking information or answers.


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